Amanda Todd Legacy Society
Snowflakes cannot be duplicated because they are one of a kind... just like Amanda!
What we have learned about the 'never-ending' story that belongs to Amanda ...Amanda would have wanted everyone to know how much she hurt emotionally and how what happened to her also hurts thousands of other children and youth each day.
Amanda wasn't able to stop the abusive behaviours happening to her but it was her dream to make things better for others. She felt that by sharing her story, others would be able to hear what she went through in her own words. So in the summer of 2012, she created a video that shared her story to others. |
I'm struggling to stay in this world, because everything just touches me so deeply. I'm not doing this for attention. I'm doing this to be an inspiration and to show that I can be strong. I did things to myself to make pain go away, because I'd rather hurt myself then someone else. Haters are haters but please don't hate, although I’m sure I'll get them. I hope I can show you guys that everyone has a story, and everyone's future will be bright one day, you just gotta pull through. I'm still here aren't I ?”
~ Amanda xoxo Sept 7, 2012
Amanda had a dream of helping kids, and through Carol's efforts, this dream has become a reality.
By speaking up about bullying, cyber abuse, internet safety and mental health, we know that Education & Awareness is being added to a landscape that will bring together the conversations needed to break the cycle of harm to others. |
Anyone can be that voice by taking just a few minutes to learn more about bullying, cyberabuse, online safety and mental health.
On August 6, 2022 Aydin Coban was found guilty on all 5 charges against Amanda Todd. On October 14, 2022 he was sentenced to 13 years of prison time in BC Supreme Court. On November 24, 2022, he was extradited back to the Netherlands where he will continue serving his Dutch sentence of 2017 until he is released. On December 7, 2023, the Dutch courts began the process of a sentencing conversion hearing to determine the amount of time that the Canadian sentence for ACoban would be converted to under Dutch laws. December 21, 2023, the Dutch courts ruled the ACoban sentence would be converted to 6 years and this would be the additional years that he would have to spend in prison after his current Dutch sentence is completed in the summer of 2024.
Words for sharing ...."This legacy has been created in memory of Amnda Todd. We havesurrounded her and the world with SNOWFLAKES so that others can see the individuality of humans and how beautiful each one is." ~ Carol Todd " As you go forward in the days and months ahead consider carefully what and how much can be done. Amanda’s legacy should be one that teaches awareness and that our society will only succeed via tolerance, compassion, community, and forgiveness. It takes a village to raise a child. We are ALL that village." |
"As a caring human on our earth, when you see snowflakes fall from the sky, think of Amanda (aka Princess Snowflake) and all the others in the world that need us."